1. 遠見雜誌配合建國百年,特別推出《看見臺灣 進步100》系列報導專刊,收錄臺灣在人才教育和創新研發等各領域的傲人成就,並將這1萬套專刊和紀錄片捐贈給全國各級學校,由教育部長吳清基代表受贈。吳清基部長表示,這套專刊可以讓學生看到臺灣的驕傲,更瞭解自己的責任與希望。

To cooperate with the 100th anniversary for the establishment of Republic of China, Global Views Magazine is promoting a series of special supplements of a publication for reporting some outstanding achievements in Taiwan including talents-cultivating and creativity-researching. The ten thousand of special issues will be donated to schools which are expected to let the students see the honors of Taiwan and realize their own responsibility and hopes . Minister of Ministry of Education 吳清基 will be presented on behalf of the schools.

2. 100學年度四技二專甄選入學招生,第一階段篩選結果上網公告,今年有143校、提供4萬多個招生名額,在報名的8萬多人中,有6萬多人通過第一階段篩選,篩選通過率為74.47%。提醒通過第一階段篩選的應屆畢業考生,依規定完成第二階段報名並繳交指定項目甄試費及備審資料,非應屆畢業考生6月2號12點前要上網完成第二階段報名及繳費。

The result for the selection in the first phase in TVE Joint College Entrance Examination for academic year 100th is announced. One hundred forty-three schools including forty thousand vacancies or so will be provided this year. Around the eighty thousand applicants, about sixty thousand of them are selected which lead the passing rate to seventy-four point forty-seven percent. The graduates who are passed in the first phase are reminded to complete the application of the 2nd test with testing fees and relevant documents. The test takers who don’t graduate from schools in this year should finish the procedure of application and payment before 12am June 2nd through on-line service.

3. 臺北市五所學校獲得「WHO國際安全學校」,包括辛亥、興德2所國小、南海實驗幼稚園、育航幼稚園以及私立靜心中小學附設幼稚園,其中3所幼稚園更是全世界國際安全學校在幼兒教育領域推動的首例。

Five schools in Taipei City gain the honor of WHO International Safe School including 辛亥 and 興德 Elementary School, Taipei 南海 Experimental Kindergarten, 育航 Kindergarten and 靜心 Elementary and Middle School. Among the schools, the three kindergartens are the first cases for the program to promote in preschool education in the world.

4. 校園霸凌事件層出不窮,反霸凌關懷協會將於6月4號發起遊行,希望強化校園的安全和輔導機制,並呼籲學校不要隱匿霸凌事件,必須落實事後通報和處理,才能避免孩子在學校遭受霸凌傷害。

School bullies emerge in an endless stream. The anti-bully care association will raise a parade in June 4th which hopes to enhance school security and assistance mechanism. Additionally, it also calls upon schools not to cover up any relevant cases. Only when the reporting system are practiced indeed, the prevention of school bullies could be workable for children.

5. 行政院青輔會主辦的青創貸款,去年貸款人數有2514人,創造1萬2832個就業機會,創下歷史新高。青輔會表示,土地銀行今天(1)起也加入承辦青創貸款行列,使得所有公股銀行都承辦青創貸款,承辦分行數有1550家,再創歷史新高紀錄。只要年滿20到45歲初創業青年,都可申辦青創貸款。

The loan for young people to starting an enterprises held by National Youth Commission, the Executive Yuan has successfully created twelve thousand eight hundred and thirty-two working opportunities for two thousand five hundred and fourteen applicants which make a highest record for the application. The commission indicates that the Land Bank will join the program from today which increases the number of banks that take charge of the loan to one thousand five hundred and fifty. The young people between twenty to forty-five years old who want to start their own first business can apply for it.

6. 文建會主辦的建國百年百國Homestay活動評選結果出爐!總共選出來自125個國家、250位的國際優秀青年代表,將在今年8月份來臺Homestay,感受最原味的臺灣生活。文建會表示,獲選的青年除了有來自美國耶魯、哈佛等名校的優秀青年,也有奈及利亞2008年的奧運跆拳道銅牌得主,以及2011年聖克里斯多福和尼維斯選美皇后。

The result for the Homestay program for the 100th year of establishment of Republic of China held by Council for Cultural Affairs is released. One hundred twenty-five countries are selected. Two hundred and fifty excellent international representatives for young people will come to Taiwan to join the Homestay program for experiencing local Taiwanese life. The council says that including excellent young people from U.S famous schools such as Yale and Harford University, the young people who are selected also cover the Nigeria player who wins of the bronze medal in the competition of tae kwon do in 2008 Olympic Games and the queen of beauty contest in Saint Christopher and Nevis in2011.


According to an investigation from South Korea, over ninety percent of female among the office workers between twenty to thirty years old think they need to lose weight. And the number in male workers reaches seventy percent or so. Additionally, fifty-nine point six of the interviewers indicate that they are pressured to reduce weight. Referring to the target of losing weight, fifty-six point eight percent of the women make it for shaping themselves into slim bodies while fifty-three point eight percent of men make it for training themselves to have good health.

(2011-06-01 08:37:52 洪秋玉)

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